
We strongly emphasize the priesthood of all believers.  We believe every one who places faith in Jesus is given a new identity (2 Cor 5:17), adopted into the royal family of God, (John 1:12) recreated in Christ for good works which God has in mind for us (Eph 2:10), and called to represent Jesus in the world as a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9).  And as God invites people to lead in a way that imitates Jesus Christ, that includes leading in community, encouraging one another, and holding one another accountable. (1 Peter 5:1-4)

Our leaders meet together as Stewards of the vision of LoveFirst Coast, which we articulate as follows:

Vision for the Mission of LoveFirst Coast

We long to see the Kingdom of God revealed in every square inch of the First Coast.

We long to see a movement of mission and discipleship in our cities, towns, neighborhoods, and homes.

We long to see disciples learning from Jesus to live like Jesus, invited, encouraged, equipped, and released in mission. (Luke 6:12-19): (Matthew 28:18-20)

We long to see loving communities of disciples living like extended family on mission, empowered by the Spirit to meet specific and varied needs in our cities and towns while blessing our neighborhoods.

We long to see the reconciling work of Jesus Christ displayed in the lives of the people of the First Coast living in right relationship with God, others, self, and creation. 

We long to see revival in the Church, wherever it is found.

Come, Holy Spirit.   Come, Lord Jesus.   Father, be glorified among us!  Amen.

Tim Mullen helps steward the mission of LoveFirst Coast as our secretary. He part and helps to lead Bible study in the work place and has helped us lead Alpha On-Line. During the day, Tim works in structural engineering.

Sara Taber is one of the pastors walking with LoveFirst Coast.  She and her husband, Brandon, have hearts shaped by years of serving the church, especially through youth and children’s ministry. They discerned God’s call to step out of church based ministry in order to live life on mission among their neighbors.  Their efforts are focused in their neighborhood and along County Road 210.  As entrepreneurs desiring to serve Christ and build connections in the community, they started Top Down Shaved Ice.   In warmer weather, you will find them at parties and community events, and one morning a week, you’ll find Sara and friends extending grace, kindness, and refreshments at the neighborhood bus stop. Sara is an ordained pastor in the Nazarene Church.  In addition, she offers wisdom and insight to leaders in children’s ministries, and Brandon is still investing in young men who were once teenagers in his youth group.

Jesse Alexander is also one of the pastors walking with LoveFirst Coast.  He and his wife Heather engage in a variety of missional activity in the city and find creative ways to hold gatherings.  Jesse’s background and training are Presbyterian and he is currently ordained as a teaching elder in the Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO).  His faith was profoundly shaped by the work of Young Life, years of church based Youth Ministry, mission trips, and 20 years of pastoral ministry.  He brings a passion for discipleship and mission, preaches most weeks on-line, and meets with groups, couples, and individuals for discipleship.  He fills pulpits by request.  During the day, he works as a structural engineer.  Many Sundays, you can find them worshiping at Mandarin Presbyterian Church.

2 Responses to Leadership

  1. Albert Lawrence says:

    Jesse – I am a member at FPC. Thank you for your sermon this morning. Would you please either email me the portion of your benediction that you gave prior to the one from Numbers or provide me the reference?

    Albert Lawrence


    • Pastor Jesse says:

      Hi Albert,

      The benediction I gave yesterday is a modified version of the “Halverson Benediction”, named for Dick Halverson who wrote it and used it for many years. I learned about it from Stan Ott, who leads the Acts 16:5 Initiative. I started using it a number of years ago. It captures the sense of being sent and also brings a reminder of redemption to difficult circumstances. Thanks for asking about it.

      It usually goes something like this.

      “You go no where by accident. Wherever you go, God is sending you. Wherever you are, God has a purpose for your being there. Christ, who lives in you by the power of the Holy Spirit, has something he desires to do in you and through you wherever you find yourself. I encourage you to believe this, and go in His grace, strength, and power.”


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